24 hour emergency service
017683 51819
Office opening hours
Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Sunday 10am - 11am
Crosscroft Industrial Estate Appleby-in-Westmorland CA16 6HX
July 2018 Edition
Summer is well and truly here!
Hopefully you have all had chance to make some good silage and hay.
There have been some significant changes to the Red Tractor Farm Assurance scheme recently. Please take time to read over the changes which we have outlined in this month’s newsletter and get in contact if you have any questions.
Farm assurance
As many of you are aware, new rules have come into place for the Red Tractor Farm Assurance. There are 2 main areas of change:
1. Dairy, beef and sheep farms- as you are hopefully already aware, the highest priority critically important antibiotics (HP-CIAs) must now only be used as a last resort, under veterinary HP-CIAs are defined as 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones (and colistin).
In practice the drug names that are affected are-
The reason this has come into force is that HP-CIAs are used as a last resort for humans. There has been a lot of publicity in the press recently about antibiotic resistance, so it is important that we safeguard the future use of HP-CIAs in both human and animal medicine.
The use of any of the above drugs on a red tractor farm must now be supported by a vet report and diagnostic testing which demonstrates that the above drugs are the only viable option. This evidence must be produced at the farm inspection, and failure to provide this evidence will result in a non compliance.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about the rules, alternative treatments, or health plan requirements. Alternatively please ask any of our vets when we are out on farm.
2. Beef and sheep farms are now required to have a health plan (including antibiotic usage review) completed by their Please contact us at least a month before your visit is due as it takes time for us to collate antibiotic usage.
Bovella users
We have vouchers for up to £50 of BVD testing for you! Remember, when vaccinating for BVD it is important to do some on-going testing as no BVD vaccine is completely foolproof if a PI is present. Please ask us for further details and to discuss the best test for your herd.
Action Johnes!!
Several milk buyers (Arla, Omsco, Meadow Foods, Nestle) require a written Johnes action plan to be signed and implemented by 31st October 2018.
Every farm must now know their herd status, which involves testing a minimum of 30 cows once/year. Because Johnes testing needs to be done at least 60 days after the TB test, the next few months will be a good time to arrange testing. Once testing is completed, we can then provide a written plan. Please contact us if you would like any further information.
Come and join us for a brew and the craic at some of the local shows we attend . . .
Appleby Show Thu 9th August
Dufton Show Sat 25th August
Crosby Ravensworth Thu 30th August
Lambing 2019!
Yes, we’ve only just finished lambing 2018, but it’s not too early to start planning for next year. . .
Cidr ovis is a new product containing progesterone. Similar to sponges, it can be used to synchronise oestrus and ovulation, as well as advance the breeding season. The main advantage of Cidr Ovis is that it causes less
discharge and is easier to remove than sponges. The CIRD is left in place for 12 days, with an injection of eCG at removal. Oestrus occurs 1-2 days after this.
Did you have more than 5% abortions during lambing 2018? If so, the Flockcheck scheme is running again until 31st July. This is a free blood test for up to 8 ewes and will test for Enzootic and Toxoplasma abortion which are both preventable by vaccinating. Please get in contact if interested.
If anyone is interested in using Regulin implants to bring forwards next year’s lambing please let us know as soon as possible as implants will need to be inserted soon!
Regulin can advance lambing by up to 6 weeks.
Anyone wishing to pay by BACS our bank details are as follows:
Sort code: 30-67-67 a/c no. 13306668
Many thanks for all your prompt payments